Having an extended vocabulary and being able to pace teh speed at which you read, helps you become a fluent, expressive reader and speaker. A reader who is interesting to listen to and who is also able to comprehend what they are reading. This is also linked to speaking listening and presenting skills and understandings.
- VOCABULARY Readers know the meaning of words, have been exposed to a rich vocabulary of words and show an interest in learning new words and aids in comprehension.
- Skimming
Word connections - I spy
- Sound it out
- Skimming
- FLUENCY Readers who are fluent are able to recognise words, including ones they can’t sound out. Fluency involves being able to read at a smooth pace and be expressive and still comprehend what they are reading. They are able to group words together or predict words in order to maintain pace. These readers can use tone to aid in the telling of a story.
- Picture this
- Express yourself
- Scanning
- Read-on
Decide on a strategy that will help you become a fluent , expressive reader and speaker.
Choose only one level of understanding to focus on when developing a strategy.
- Choose a strategy you are good at to practice again.
- Choose a strategy that you need some help with.
- Choose a strategy that is new for you and you will need support too learn.