The Dilemmas of Preserving is a text about the concerns and problems that might need to be thought about when people and organisatidonsare making choices about what could and should neb preserved and the impacts this might have on spaces, living things and communities.
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The book has images of places, events and objects connected to the possible dilemmas presented when people choose to act to preserve tangible and intangible heritage. Questions are designed to prompt thinking and spark debate and discussion. Questions include
- What if preserving the heritage of one group means destroying the heritage of another group?
- Could heritage be a place or object that reminds us of people’s choices that have hurt other living things or people?
- Is it ok for museums to collect and display other people’s heritage without permission or if the artefacts on display were stolen?
- What if something is not old, but people think that one day it will be important or rare. Should it be called heritage and protected?
The Dilemmas of Preserving Flash media book about possible dilemmas presented when people choose to act to preserve tangible and intangible heritage and can be downloaded and shared on an e-board, or added to ibooks and read as a book. This book is password protected. Voucher must be purchased to access this flash media book.
A flash media flip book that opens up opportunities to debate, explore and ponder about why we need to think about not only the possibilities but also the problems that are attached to preserving tangible and intangible heritage.
The book is designed to spark debate, bring forward wonderings and explore perspectives connected to preserving heritage and legacies. The book supports and encourages inquiry-based learning and visible thinking.
A PDF version of this book Dilemmas of Preserving is also available for download and printingthat teachers can purchase, down load and print.