What is constructivist learning? An introduction to inquiry Part 2

BCW teamInquiry, learning

Constructivist teaching

Teaching and learning, particularly that embedded in an institutional setting, has a long history of change. These changes influenced what was taught, what was considered real knowledge, to whom learning was made available and what methods of teaching were preferred. Teachers have found themselves constantly re-positioned through these changes as experts, best friends, mentors and now as IT brokers. The … Read More

Spelling Bee – To be or not to be a communicator?

BCW teamUncategorized

Supporting communicators to become spellers. The act of communicating is a complex process of developing, sharing and receiving ideas. It takes many forms and is embedded in a multitude of spaces and serves various agendas. Being a communicator involves developing the skills, knowledge and understanding of the how, what and why of the different forms of communication. It involves developing … Read More