BCW teamAgency, Differentiation, Planning and Assessment, Understanding Learners

ABC of INQUIRY Interest

ABC of INQUIRY – INTEREST ABC of INQUIRY – INTEREST  “The whole art of teaching is only the art of awakening the natural curiosity of young minds for the purpose of satisfying it afterwards.” – Anatole France INTEREST: A chance to connect  Teaching and learning that is based around leaner interests doesn’t mean a free-for all in terms of just doing … Read More

Finding the potential in problems- another site of failure?

BCW teamFailure, grit, Inquiry

finding potential in problems- another site of failure?

Finding the potential in problems – another site of failure? by Mary-Denese Holmes This continues our exploration of sites of failure and how we might deal with the expectations buried in all sorts of daily-lived life. Today I was reviewing the book “What Do You Do With A Problem?” by Kobi Yamada & Mae Besom 2016, Compedium Inc. The text is well … Read More

Spelling Bee – To be or not to be a communicator?

BCW teamUncategorized

Supporting communicators to become spellers. The act of communicating is a complex process of developing, sharing and receiving ideas. It takes many forms and is embedded in a multitude of spaces and serves various agendas. Being a communicator involves developing the skills, knowledge and understanding of the how, what and why of the different forms of communication. It involves developing … Read More

I ASK U – A model for learners to become active and resilient members of a learning community

BCW teamInquiry, Uncategorized

I was watching an ad for a program on Australian TV that was showcasing young students and their proficiency as spellers. I found myself a bit distracted by the concept and found myself asking the question “so what?” This question wasn’t prompted by a disparagement of the young spellers and their significant spelling skills or a disparagement of the parents … Read More