Choosing a school – What type of school?

BCW teamInquiry, learning, Understanding Learners

Choosing a school – What type of school? The next thing to think about is the type of school that you want to send your child/ren to. Some of the things that impact on how a school is run or how teaching is approached include the following: Is the purpose of the school skill driven? Many American-style schools tend to … Read More

Choosing a school – Who is the learner?

BCW teamUnderstanding Learners

Choosing a school - Who is the learner?

Choosing a school – Who is the learner? I was recently asked to suggest a school for two students I had taught for several years. The families were moving to another country and they were also considering international schools as a possibility. After some consideration I thought it might be useful if I shared some ideas I held about choosing … Read More