Time to turn on your sense on. You will sue these ideas to begin to explore, describe and think about the images you see.

  • Choose one or two pictures to focus on.
    • If you chose two pictures to focus on think about how the things in the picture
      • Are the same
      • Are different
  • Use the prompts below to help you describe the thing in the picture using your senses.

Have fun.


Story Starters (Horizontal images)

PNG LOOK & TALK Senses 1
PNG LOOK & TALK Senses 18
PNG LOOK & TALK Senses 16
PNG LOOK & TALK Senses 15
PNG LOOK & TALK Senses 10
PNG LOOK & TALK Senses 9
PNG LOOK & TALK Senses 7
PNG LOOK & TALK Senses 6
PNG LOOK & TALK Senses 5
PNG LOOK & TALK Senses 4
PNG LOOK & TALK Senses 3
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Story Starters (Vertical images)

PNG LOOK & TALK Senses 2
PNG LOOK & TALK Senses 20
PNG LOOK & TALK Senses 19
PNG LOOK & TALK Senses 17
PNG LOOK & TALK Senses 14
PNG LOOK & TALK Senses 13
PNG LOOK & TALK Senses 12
PNG LOOK & TALK Senses 11
PNG LOOK & TALK Senses 8
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