Fine Motor Smart Choice
” ‘Motor skills’ describes the ability to control and coordinate movements. This can include fine motor control (e.g. small movements of the fingers and hands) and gross motor control (for example, large and coordinated movements of the trunk, arms, and legs).” Inclusive practice hub NSW Government Education.

- Drawing, painting, and cutting with different shape and sized tools
Having your child use different materials to make things enables them to develop the muscles and skills to control and manipulate various tools. This will help them understand that different tools require different movements and ways of being held or moved.

Peg games
Follow the link to find out more about peg games and access printable resources.

Make, create, build and inquire
- Threading (pasta necklaces)
- Creating collages with collected materials
- Sticking, cutting and gluing
- Using straws and some blue-tack to create sculptures

Lego or other construction toys.
Using construction toys will help your child learn how to use their muscles and fingers to manipulate less pliable resources, such as plastic, wood, etc
Mix it, bend it, poke it.
- Playdough
- Magic sand
- Cooking and mixing