Professional Supervision
Teachers often enter into their profession holding rich hopes a particular vision for their chosen work. Occasionally everyday working life and complex situations can start to take teachers away from these cherished hopes and purpose.
BCW offer online professional support and supervision to help teachers deal with the complexities and challenges of this teaching work.
Professional supervision, informed by a narrative approach is offered by BCW for teachers wanting to reconnect with the values; purposes and cherished hopes that have informed their teaching work to date.
A narratively informed approach to supervision/ consultation conversations will frequently address issues, of taken for granted truths, power, collaboration, and the structural and post structural frameworks we bring to our professional lives. Conversations are premised on the understanding that the teacher seeking consultation will hold a lifetime of insider knowledges and understandings about her/his chosen work and it is from this platform ongoing conversations will be launched from.
In-school support is offered for teaching teams or individuals dealing with one-off concerns during the school year. Longer term supervision/consultation can be provided online.
Terms, fees and conditions will be negotiated on an individual basis.
BeConWiz professional supervision is provided by Mary-Denese Holmes
Mary-Denese Holmes | BSocSc. Counselling; Adv GDip Narrative Therapy and Community Work; Masters Applied Anthropology; GC Loss, Grief and Trauma.
MD’s work includes – Monitoring and evaluation; project design, delivery and management; community development and capacity building; workshop design and delivery; conference presentations; professional supervision; social research; trauma and family counselling.