Agency in classroom creation – Space Safaris
Agency in classroom creation – Space Safaris
Space safaris are a unique opportunity to bring transdisciplinary learning and inquiry into the real world and position the learners as researchers and innovators.
Space safaris are excursions into a variety of different places inside the school grounds and outside the school grounds where learners are given a set of scaffolded questions or reflection tools to carefully examine and understand the relationship, they have with spaces.
Categories: Civics, Government and Economics, Co-Created Learning spaces, Communities (Local and Global),, ENGLISH, Equal or Equitable, EQUITY & IDENTITY, Interactions Cycles Systems and Order, Learning Environment, MATHEMATICS, Reading and Comprehension, Shape And Space, SOCIAL STUDIES, Speaking and Listening, STUDENT AGENCY, Systems, And Organisations, TYPE OF LEARNING, UNIVERSAL THEMES
Tags: Communities (Local and Global), Consent & Safety, Equal or Equitable, Exploring Identity, gency, Meaning Making and Expression, People Place and Time Exploration, Practices Of Respect, speaking and listening, Staff meeting, Teacher training