Flower Power

A book about flower power and its diversity and classification systems. This book is opening up discussions about the complexities of investigating plants The book is based on a thinking routine  Generate Sort Connect and Explore.
The thinking routine has been designed to help take the reader beyond what the basics of plants into the complex world of flowers and the power they had in changing the world. The text is presented with scientific facts, images and connections to daily routines and sights in a child’s world.
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When exploring ideas about plants, one must be thoughtful not to lump all plants together. In this text, teachers can help students in the younger grades explore some of the complex ideas connected to diversity, adaption and classification. invite your students to become keen observers and little botanists. help the understand that life on earth today would be very different if the flower hadn’t evolved. 

Conceptual understandings that guided the photo selection in this book.

  • Animals and plants depend on each other
  • Plants store the suns energy as food
  • Animals access and share this energy
  • Energy is transferred along food chains
  • Feeding relationships are cycles and include decomposers
  • All living things have specific characteristics and attributes
  • Plants attributes are used to classify and group them
  • Classification helps make sense of a complex world
  • Diversity maintains life on earth
  • Specific attributes and adaptions contribute to survival
  • Plants have a life cycle
  • Humans use plants as raw materials to create products
  •   Plants are a renewable resource
  • Plants have needs that must be meet in order for them to grow
  • Plants are living things
  • Plants contribute to biodiversity  which is critical for life on earth
  • Plants are an important part of any habitat or ecosystem on land and in the water