Real Life Treasure Hunts

Making a real-life hunts for different areas/topics
- Set or negotiate the topic for the hunt. To create a particular hunt use a prompt such as an image, question or object to spark curiosity. (Examples of questions and image prompts are on the slide show below)).
- Help your child(ren) select the tools or resources they might use to record/collect ideas on the hunt.
- Show them or set the boundaries of the hunt (only in living rooms, only outside, etc) this helps eliminate any dangerous or unsafe places, even your workspace.
- You can set a time limit if you want.
- The older the child, the greater the choice and freedom they have in completing the hunt.
- Once the hunt is over, have your child(ren) them find a way to share, record or document what they find, so they can share their discoveries with others.
Flip books that could spark ideas for treasure hunts
Finding numbers in the world around you and thinking about how people use numbers in different situations.
Using your sense to explore the world around you, while looking for specific attributes and properties. The sense of taste has been left out of this book, as it can be a complicated sense to explore in terms of safety.
Using the game hide and seek, aims to encourage young readers to look for shapes and lines hiding inside everyday objects, print around them and the world around them. It introduces key vocabulary about line and shape.
A book that is a simple introduction to the properties of matter, solids, liquids, gas. It invokes a guessing game and use of sense to decide if something might be a solid, a liquid or a gas.