Investigating weather

Investigating Weather

Investigating Weather is a flash media book designed to spark debate, bring forward wonderings and explore perspectives and possibilities about weather,climate, seasons and the connections to choices and energy. The book supports and encourages inquiry-based learning and visible thinking.

Weather is a topic that has impacts on many different aspects of lives.   Considering what choices can be made whatever the weather can lead to many interesting discussions. Having the conversations and exploring the perspectives about the weather can bring forward new understandings, make visible misconceptions and develop skills in appreciating and respecting opinions an perspectives that are different to our own. Understanding the many perspectives on a topic can help learners begin to explore how learning is connected to the real world. By exploring how different people and sometimes animals might view a topic can also be a tool for making transdisciplinary links clear.

There is also a PDF version flip book on this website that teachers can purchase as an alternative to the flash media version. The PDF version can be printed and shared with learners in your class.

Terms and Conditions: In purchasing this item, you are agreeing to only use it in one classroom. The password and link are for the use with a single class. If more than one teacher in a teaching team wishes to use this flip-book, they must either purchase their own book OR contact BCW team and negotiate a teaching team purchase of the product.

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