Plan your reading choices….

Answer these questions before you choose a book or read.

Scroll through the choices and decide on the reason for your reading.

I am reading because…

Scroll through the choices and decide on how reading can help you this time.

Reading will help me…

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You can choose a reading plan from this line.

Scroll through the reading strategies and choose one for each stage of reading. You will end up with a reading plan that has a strategy for before, during and and after reading.

See example at the bottom of the page.

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Or you can make a reading plan from this line.

Scroll through the reading strategies and choose one that matches a skill level. You will end up with a reading plan that has a strategy fa skill you find easy (I can show you), a skill you are developing (Can you help me?) and a skill that you find difficult (this is hard for me).

See example at the bottom of the page.


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